What Remains #2
What Remains #2 is an artistic research project on transience as a new beginning.It brings together artists and academics from Belgium and Italy for a confrontation-dialogue with the many visual and content layers of KADOC and the heritage that the center preserves. The chapel and other spaces of KADOC are a perfect architectural and historical invitation for this artistic encounter. Artists: Riccardo Arena (IT), Giovanna Caimmi (IT), Patrick Ceyssens (BE), Peter de Cupere (BE), Franco Guerzoni (IT), Tom Lambeens (BE), Eva Marisaldi (IT), Griet Moors (BE), Dominique Somers (BE), Aline Verstraten (BE).
Patrick Ceyssens & Leonardo Regano
KADOC-KU Leuven, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, FRAME research group (PXL-MAD School of Arts & UHasselt), PALETTES (KU Leuven).
You can visit the exhibition until October 30.