READSEARCH stands at the intersection of design and scientific research, primarily focusing on practical studies of legibility and readability in typographic design. This unique team combines the objectivity of scientific investigation with the creativity and intuition inherent in design. In essence, READSEARCH is a conduit between the artistically reflective and the scientifically analytical. Their overarching vision is to advance research in typographic graphic reading by fostering a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration and exploration. This dynamic approach ensures that READSEARCH remains at the forefront of deepening our understanding of how typography influences the reading experience.


READSEARCH is a key player in the advancement of typographic education and offers a unique international Master programme in ‘Reading Type & Typography’, which is aligned with our research activities. This programme focuses on students’ self-initiated projects in typography, with an emphasis on exploring the connection with research on legibility and readability. The aim is to develop students’ critical understanding of legibility, bridging practical and theoretical aspects within a multidisciplinary context. Our Master students have consistently received international recognition, underlining the quality of their work and the emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach to practical legibility and experimental typography.
