Artificial Intelligems, Ornamutations (ongoing since 2021).
A project by Artificial Intelligems in which 124 artists participated to co-create digital adornment with machine learning.
Image Design (Ornamutations translated into avatar and virtual world) by Guus Vandeweerd for Artificial Intelligems’ Mirrored Dwellers (2023)
Screenshot of ‘20 // Twenty.
A digital residency in the virtual Stadtbad’, Anneleen Swillen and Greg Scheirlinckx in collaboration with Carla Petzolt and Miriam Taschler from experimental dance collective lux&auma (2023)
Artificial Intelligems, Mirrored Dwellers, performance, RITCS Brussels (2023)
In collaboration with Ine Vanoeveren, Guus Vandeweerd, Esther Verstreken and Senneke Van de Wygaert