Giovanna Caimmi, an artist and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, is a third-year Ph.D. Student at PXL University of Hasselt.
Her Ph.D. project takes up from perceiving a double nature of her own, a “Double Track” of the mind: a dualism, a double gaze that the artist places in a cultural interstice between Northern and Southern Europe, since birth and owing to her ancestry, with the impossibility of choosing an affiliation.
By constantly analysing her own work and artistic poetic, she compares the Northern lights with the light of the South, landscape, the relationship with the artistic medium, the idea of Space, the visual grammar that inhabits the two parts of ancient Europe; a discourse that uses the gap and the visual connection between images and writing, the slips and trips as a thinking pattern, main elements for Caimmi as a visual artist and image/thinker. Investigating among the fascinations and nostalgies that lured like magnets the artists towards the two European poles of thought and feeling, in a constant glare, Giovanna Caimmi detects her own interlocutors in the present just as in the past, timelessly, in real or imaginary dialogues, in the most ancient visual arts and in contemporary, in cinematography, poetry, philosophy, psychology.
Her drawings, often monumental and only apparently fragile, sometimes created in a really tiny size, are built as fragments inserted in a strong visual and conceptual structure. Her poetry divides itself among trifles of nature, an abundance of light, games for small animals, close-range sights, stubborn slowness, and the fragility of material as a necessary comment on dreamed things that slowly disclose themselves to the vision.