
Maria Konschake

Maria Konschake (1990, Germany) is a visual artist and jewellery maker whose artworks are craft-based explorations that reflect on historical, political and socio-critical themes. She was trained at the Staatliche Zeichenakademie (DE) and studied at Hochschule Wismar (DE) and PXL-MAD School of Arts in Hasselt (BE).

After graduating, she combined teaching and freelance work. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in the Arts at Hasselt University and PXL-MAD School of Arts (BE).

Within her research, titled “An Act of Deviation: When Objects Carry Memories”, the question is whether deviation can be used as a methodology to alienate material objects and how this methodology can function as an artistic strategy to reflect the relationship between jewellery, identity, and memory. Among other things, this involves an exploration of the plurality of cultural memory, i.e. the simultaneity of different versions of the world, as well as an exploration of the connection of personal and collective memory to and in jewellery.

The physical objects emerging from this research intend to be located between critical design and art.

Her research is funded by the Special Research Fund (BOF) of Hasselt University (BOF21DOC04).
