
Walda Verbaenen

Walda graduated as a Graphic Designer [Brussels, Sint Lukas Instituut], Reading Type and Typography [Hasselt, PXL MAD School of Arts] and obtained a postgraduate degree Expert Class Type Design [Plantin Institute for Typography, Antwerp]. Combining her graphic work with passing on her knowledge and experience by guiding Graphic Design students forms the ultimate combination.

Walda is one of the three researchers/designers of the Rosart Project, an international group of alumni students [Antwerp, Expert Class Type Design, Plantin Institute for Typography]’, and is a board member of the Plantin Institute for Typography.

Due to her interest for the meaningful support that design and typography can offer, her MA project ‘Phonotype, visual identity of the Dutch language’, in which the pronunciation of the Dutch language is visualised within the typeface itself, forms the basis of her PhD research, which she is currently doing at READSEARCH – MAD Research [Part of PXL, MAD Research / Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University] in Belgium, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ann Bessemans and dr. Kevin Larson.

One of the main goals of Walda’s work is the social responsibility that a designer can offer. Hereby she uses the supporting function and power that design and typography (letters) can bring as a useful and meaningful tool. (Visual) language and the use of letters can build a bridge to bring people closer to each other, and could help for a better integration. Walda’s graphic work has been internationally awarded several times.

Website Walda
Website Rosart
Instagram Walda

Walda Verbaenen Portrait
